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Zurich gets into the education game

Zurich has introduced a new education program designed to empower the employees to take control of their finances. The company’s new i.super_invest master trust aims to equip employees who have little or no understanding of financial planning issues.

Nicole Simpson, Zurich’s new head of worksite education, said the aim of the program is to educate and inform employees to become fully equipped with the right tools to take advantage of investment opportunities available. 

The service is free to Zurich’s corporate super clients.  Ms Simpson said it is “a value-added service” that aims at educating them about the fundamentals of good financial planning.

It includes face-to face seminars for employee groups as well as internet-based distance learning packages for those not able to attend. Ms Simpson said many people are under the impression that “super is not their money”. 

“We get them to understand that it is as much their money as the money in their pocket.”

The seminars use this ideology as a springboard for launching discussion of finances.  “Super leads into many other areas, such as home loans, and family planning – issues that are important to many of our clients,” Ms Simpson said.