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Upgraded site explains life insurance in super

An industry association has upgraded its website explaining the role of life insurance within superannuation funds.

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia’s (ASFA) site Super Guru includes fact sheets on life insurance as well as an online calculator to check on the amount of cover needed.

Actuaries Rice Warner developed the calculator, which also includes a budget planner and retirement optimiser.

The online learning modules, including life insurance, were developed by Money 101 and include detailed explanations of the types of cover and tips on sorting out the right policy to meet the member’s needs.

ASFA CEO Pauline Vamos says Super Guru is not aligned to any product or service and offers independent information on and guidance through the Australian superannuation system.

“There is a real need to provide super fund members with the information they need to ensure they can start improving their retirement futures as early as possible,” she said.

“Super Guru provides Australians of all ages with the information and tools they need to ask informed questions of their employer, super fund or financial adviser.”

The website was launched last year but has been extensively upgraded to make it more interactive and altering the editorial content to make the information more understandable for consumers.