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Sydney adviser banned for three years over best-interest failures

A Sydney-based financial adviser who failed to provide advice that was in the best interests of his clients and did not keep proper records of his work has been banned for three years from the financial services industry.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commissions (ASIC) says it handed down the ban following a review of Jim Pavlidis’s work between 2004 and 2018.

“Mr Pavlidis failed to consider the relevant circumstances of each client and left client objectives unaddressed,” ASIC said.

“ASIC also found that Mr Pavlidis was not adequately trained and did not have a proper understanding of the requirements to competently provide financial services.”

He can appeal for a review of the decision with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Mr Pavlidis is currently not working in the industry. He was last employed as an authorised representative of Meritum Financial Group from April 2004 to January 2018.