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Retirees favour SMSFs for retirement solutions

Consumers are unsure which type of super will offer the best retirement solutions, including life insurance options, according to new research from CoreData.

Overall, the researcher finds 35% of people are unsure which type of super fund will provide the best solution, but 20.6% do favour self-managed super funds.

Industry funds are just behind with 19.9% followed by public sector funds with 18.1%.

Only 4% of those surveyed see retail super funds as providing the best retirement solution while 2.5% favour corporate super funds.

CoreData also looked at how many people have turned to financial advisers to help them to plan their retirement solutions.

Only 9.9% respondents say they rely on financial planning services inside their super funds as their primary source of advice regarding money and financial matters.

CoreData Head of Advice, Wealth and Super Salvador Saiz says this means super funds have a greater opportunity to provide more advice.

“They have a great opportunity to better engage and communicate their financial advice offering and value proposition to members,” he says.

The survey finds non-aligned financial advisers are the primary source of advice for the most respondents that use an adviser (33.4%), followed by aligned advisers (24.9%) and accountants (12.5%).

Those surveyed say the most valued service offered by their super fund is financial advice (58.4%) and financial counselling (57.1%).