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Public trusts advisers more than brokers

Financial advisers rank much higher than insurance brokers in a Roy Morgan poll on professions.

The poll asked people how they would rate professions for honesty and ethical standards.

Out of 30 professions, financial advisers were ranked 17 while brokers came in at 25, just above state politicians but below journalists.

The poll surveyed 651 men and women aged over 14 earlier this month and 26% found financial advisers ethical and honest.

This was down 2% on the 2011 professions survey, but up on 25% in 2009 poll, the first time the profession was included.

Brokers have been included in the poll since 1986, when 13% of people surveyed thought them ethical and honest.

In the latest poll, only 10% of those surveyed rated brokers as ethical and honest, down 2% on the previous year, and one of the lowest satisfaction ratings in the 26 years they have been included.

The most-trusted profession was nursing, while used car salesmen were regarded as the least ethical, a position they have held since the poll was introduced 33 years ago.