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Profits roll in for individual lump sum life cover

Individual lump sum life insurance made a $259 million after-tax profit during the September quarter, according to the latest Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) figures.

In contrast, group disability income insurance recorded a $39 million loss in the period.

Revenue for individual lump sum was $1.3 billion, with total expenses of $1 billion.

Individual disability income insurance reported revenue of $570 million and expenses of $581 million, giving a $7 million after-tax profit for the quarter.

Group lump sum insurance recorded revenue of $865 million and expenses of $846 million, delivering an after-tax profit of $10 million.

Group disability income insurance made $286 million revenue, with $328 million of expenses.

Life insurers continued to grow their capital investment portfolios, with equities rising to $111.5 billion from $104.9 billion in the previous corresponding period.

The biggest rise was in what APRA labels “other investments”, growing to $980 million from $828 million.

Insurers also increased their exposure to debt securities, to $86.8 million from $75.3 million.

Life insurers’ total assets at September 30 were $245.5 million, up from $228.3 billon in the previous corresponding quarter.