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Planners respond to FSRA

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) has called for tenders to supply services for its certified financial planner program (CFP). The move comes as the FPA progressively withdraws from entry-level education to focus its education efforts on certified financial planners and continuing professional development.

Education GM Chris McMillan told Sunrise Exchange News the tender is in two sections: the delivery of education and the assessment of the CFP program.

The FPA has invited interested parties to apply for either or both parts of the tender. The deadline is 27 September.

Ms McMillan says the previous contractor was the business arm of Deakin University, Deakin Prime. Since the introduction of the FSRA in March, the volume of information that must be in the program has substantially increased.

“The education environment is so much more complex now, and we’ve decided to invite tenders from the entire market to run the CFP program. Deakin Prime will still able to tender.”

Financial planning education body Tribeca Learning was recently selected by the FPA to provide students with Diploma of Financial Services (DFS) and Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (ADFS) courses.

The FPA will discontinue its DFS and ADFS services from January 1 next year. Tribeca will recognise courses of study in the DFS or ADFS completed by eligible FPA students. The usual fees for exemptions will be waived for these students.