OnePath wins Queensland insurance mandate
OnePath has won the group life insurance mandate for Queensland local government superannuation fund LGsuper.
The fund was created last year with the merger of City Super and LGsuper.
Prior to the merger AIA Australia provided group insurance for LGsuper while OnePath was the incumbent insurer for City Super.
LGsuper CEO David Todd says the fund has been working towards consolidating its legacy insurance arrangement with one insurer handling the business from July 1 this year.
“The LGsuper board found the proposal by OnePath represented the best overall outcome for our membership,” Mr Todd said.
“Members will receive further information on what this means for their insurance arrangements in coming months, as details of the offering are finalised.”
OnePath Acting GM Insurance Robin Knight says the total combined plan will represent an increase in excess of $20 million to OnePath’s annual premium.
LG Super has more than 90,000 members.