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OnePath offers split TPD ownership

OnePath has joined the list of insurers now splitting ownership of total and permanent disability (TPD) cover inside and outside super.

The new SuperLink arrangement will apply for clients who want to hold part of their OneCare TPD cover between the two strategies.

Other changes to the OneCare products include new TPD for business owners with up to $10 million cover.

ANZ Head of Product Marketing and Reinsurance Gerard Kerr says the cover was introduced as business owners often needed higher levels of TPD to protect their personal and corporate commitments.

OnePath has also updated some trauma definitions and introduced a third tier to its “total disability” definition for its Income Secure Cover product.

This now assesses the impact of illness or injury against the life insured’s ability to generate income.

Mr Kerr says the upgrades to products are part of a commitment to introduce comprehensive and flexible insurance products.

“These enhancements have been specifically designed in response to customer and adviser feedback,” he said.

“Customers told us they didn’t want time-consuming claims processes, so we’ve introduced tele-claims for Income Secure policies to deliver a more efficient and personal claims experience.”