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OnePath helps advisers with FOFA

ANZ-owned OnePath has already responded to the proposals in the draft Future of Financial Advice bill by launching an adviser support package.

The four-day program run for each dealer group by The Encore Group and Phuel will be available to OnePath’s aligned dealer groups.

Included in the program are sessions on defining a target client’s profile and the value proposition, helping with the conversion to fee-for-service as well as segmenting the client base by revenue and other key metrics.

Practical help will include developing a fee model and payment systems, updating documentation and implementing changes to work practices within the dealer group.

ANZ GM Advice and Distribution Paul Barrett says the “Valuing Advice for Growth” program will complement the work dealer groups have already undertaken on meeting the new requirements.

“The program will give our aligned advisers the personal and business confidence they need to deal with the impending changes,” he said.

“OnePath’s longstanding commitment to financial advisers continues, as does our strong advocacy for the value of quality advice.”

While the program is not mandatory, OnePath believes more than 500 advisers will attend the workshops which will start next month and run into next year.

On completion, the advisers will receive 56 continuing professional development points from the Financial Planning Association.

An abridged version of the program will also be made available to OnePath’s key business partners who are not part of the aligned dealer network.