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Norwich launches Super education campaign

Norwich Union Life has taken hold of a big super industry problem and applied an innovative new approach: education.

Independent financial advisers now have access to a new free education program devised by the CGNU subsidiary to assist them in offering a better service to their corporate clients and super fund managers.

The employer information education program aims to provide an understanding of super and to keep them in touch with industry changes and legislative issues. 

Norwich hopes the program will help provide a positive answer to a recent Sweeney Research report which found that 57% of the employed public knew “not very much or nothing at all” about superannuation.  It also revealed that 90% of administrators agree that “it is not their job to give investment advice to employees”. 

Norwich MD Alan Griffiths said the research revealed an “appalling situation.”  The company has spent $800,000 on the initiative with the intention of giving people the information they need.

The program uses face-to-face seminars backed up by print, email and web-based channels ensuring it is accessible and convenient for all.