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MLC backs cancer screening awareness program

MLC Life Insurance has teamed up with TelstraSuper to pilot a cancer screening awareness program.

The program is free for members of the super fund, which represents current and former Telstra Group employees, associated employers and their friends and families.

MLC Life Insurance Chief Claims Officer Andrew Beevors says any proactive intervention from funds and insurers in the health of members can make a difference.

“We see the impact of cancer daily in the claims we pay to members and their families,” Mr Beevors said. “When it comes to cancer, early detection and intervention is key to better health outcomes.

“We know the enormous emotional and physical toll a cancer diagnosis can have, which is why we invest in programs that support people with cancer, such as CancerAid.”

Members who take part in the program will be asked a number of health questions by CancerAid for the purpose of helping them understand which lifestyle habits increase cancer risk and to provide recommendations to change health behaviour if required.

Based on the responses to the questions, members may be offered a free information session with a GP, as well as advice and government resources on how to reduce their risk of cancer through activities such as exercise, diet changes, smoking cessation programs and skin checks.

“Through this pilot, we want to encourage our members to understand how to reduce their cancer risk and to check their eligibility for free screening services,” TelstraSuper CEO Chris Davies said.

“We hope that his program helps save lives and are pleased to be partnering with MLC Life Insurance and CancerAid to increase the number of our members accessing screenings, which is one of the most effective ways to detect the early signs of cancer.”