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Millennials drawn to online offerings: MetLife

More than one-third of Millennials will visit a life insurer’s website and read online reviews even after receiving a recommendation from a financial adviser, MetLife says.

The insurer’s adviser-client relationship study also shows 74% of Millennials would complete an online form before seeing an adviser, and insurers that can offer digital services and transactions are likely to appeal to them.

Only 63% of unadvised Millennials could maintain their lifestyle for up to six months if they suffered an injury or illness, the report shows. The figure is little better for Millennials with advisers, at 54%.

Study respondents seem unaware of their precarious situations: 92% feel confident about their financial future, MetLife says.

Only 20% of unadvised Millennials have considered what would happen if they are unable to work; 29% of their advised peers have done so.

The top three triggers for reviewing insurance with a financial adviser are: buying a property; wanting to protect their family; and referral by a friend.

MetLife Head of Retail Sales Matt Lippiatt says there is a clear mismatch between confidence in finances and attitudes to insurance.

“While Millennials believe they are planning well for the future, many are struggling to make the connection to insurance and how it can guarantee everything else they want to do in life.”