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MetLife returns to ‘significant insurers’ list

MetLife has re-appeared on the latest list of global systemically important insurers, despite winning a US court case earlier this year ordering its removal.

The Financial Stability Board’s list is based on recommendations from the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). It includes such companies as Allianz and AIG.

These companies must meet a number of standards agreed by the IAIS, including higher loss absorbency, group-wide recovery and resolution planning, and enhanced supervision.

The latter requirement includes a group-wide supervisor having direct powers over holding companies and overseeing the implementation of systemic risk management and liquidity management plans.

The decision to reinstate MetLife was condemned by the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI).

“The core activities of life insurers do not pose a systemic risk,” CEO Dirk Kempthorne said. “These core activities involve providing consumers with financial protection and retirement security.

“Life insurers fulfil that mission on a daily basis, paying out $US1.6 billion ($2.1 billion) to customers.”

Mr Kempthorne says US life insurers on the list are heavily regulated at state level and by the Securities and Exchange Commission.