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MetLife hails sustainability progress

MetLife has released its annual sustainability report, detailing the insurer’s efforts to meet its commitments to customers, employees, shareholders and communities.

The 2023 report says the insurer has exceeded its target of driving $US1 billion ($1.5 billion) in investments that advance diversity, recording more than $US1.4 billion ($2.1 billion) between 2021 and last year, well ahead of its 2030 goal.

MetLife has also reduced emissions by increasing energy efficiency and cutting consumption at offices, greening its vehicle fleets and reducing business travel where possible.

“Our purpose inspires our people and drives long-term value for all our stakeholders,” president and CEO Michel Khalaf said. “We have been a responsible business and a source of stability for more than 156 years, and the actions we take today reflect our ability to consistently deliver for all our stakeholders for years to come.”

Click here for the report.