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Melbourne adviser wins Gwen Fletcher award 

The Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) announced today Strategic Wealth Partner and financial adviser Andrew Dickinson has won the Gwen Fletcher Memorial Award for semester two of 2023. 

The award recognises the highest performing student in the CFP Certification Unit for each semester and is named after the late Gwen Fletcher, widely recognised as the First Lady of Financial Planning. 

“I commend Andrew for his sheer dedication to the financial planning profession through his commitment to the CFP Certification program while also running his own practice,” FAAA CEO Sarah Abood said. 

“Gwen would have approved of Andrew’s willingness to go above and beyond to reach the highest levels of professionalism, and he provides a wonderful example to the rest of his colleagues.” 

She says the CFP Certification program has been around for more than 30 years as the standard of excellence for financial planners and will continue to be so for years to come.