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Macquarie Life hits $100 million premium target

Macquarie Life’s annual inforce premiums have exceeded $100 million for the first time.

The insurer started operations four years ago and now has more than 44,000 clients with approximately 3000 advisers having its products on their approved lists.

Head of Macquarie Life Justin Delaney says the milestone was achieved through commitment to service and innovative products.

“The business has evolved from being a single-product provider to a multi-product and service provider,” he said.

“We have gained recognition in the industry for being the first to bring a new category of insurance cover to the Australian market, through Active.”

The Active product was launched a year ago and created a new category of insurance by rolling life, total and permanent disability, income and trauma cover into one policy.

Mr Delaney says Macquarie Life is still a newcomer to the Australian market and he’s pleased to have achieved $100 million of premium inflows in such a short space of time.

“We may not be the longest established brand in insurance, [but] it is through the support of the advisers we work with that we have been able to reach this latest milestone.”