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Life advice proves popular in Financial Planning Week

Maintaining life insurance and income protection cover while unemployed was among the top five topics raised during last month’s Financial Planning Week.

Participants questioned the value of keeping the cover via the Ask an Expert forum on the Financial Planning Association (FPA) website.

FPA CEO Mark Rantall says there were 22,749 Ask an Expert pageviews in the week, up 100% on last year’s campaign.

“This shows a growing appetite and awareness of advice in Australia. As well as encouraging people to use this service, we also ran a consumer blog throughout the week that focused on different demographic groups and provided targeted and relevant content for each.”

Mr Rantall says visitor data for the blog reveals a post about getting ahead in your 20s and 30s was most popular.

“Often we assume people who fit into this demographic aren’t actively looking to manage their finances, but the blog revealed their appetite for advice isn’t much different from the retirement age group.”

Almost 7000 people viewed the FPA’s Find a Planner directory during the week.