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Life ad campaign aims to restore trust

TAL has announced a major branding drive, with national TV advertising based on the slogan “This Australian life”.

CEO Brett Clark says in the past year the insurer has questioned what it stands for, and research revealed it is seen as a business that protects. This process came amid consumer mistrust of life insurers and the perception they do not pay claims.

“In recent times it has become very clear the life insurance industry has some work to do in raising standards and practices, while also building trust with consumers,” he said.

“It’s also hard to trust an organisation when you don’t know much about them. That’s why we are investing in our brand story more widely.”

Mr Clark says the advertising campaign has a simple message: “TAL protects people and not things.”

The ads include the message that consumers can talk to advisers.

Mr Clark says the drive is designed to support advisers as partners in the business.

“The campaign is agnostic across all of our stakeholder groups. It is a campaign for the whole life industry, and advisers have told us they want a more well-known brand.”

While initial advertising does not focus on any particular part of life insurance, he says subsequent campaigns will address aspects such as claims.

“This is the first part of a whole campaign that will evolve over time,” Mr Clark said.