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Legislation extends TPD complaints time

The time limit for lodging total and permanent disability (TPD) claims with the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT) has been extended to six years under the latest tranche of Stronger Super legislation.

Previously, a TPD claim dispute had to be lodged within two years of the insurance decision.

But the Super System Review says it feared the limit was inconsistent with the time it takes to deal with disputes in the courts.

The legislation also gives fund members who lodge TPD claims within two years of ceasing employment another four years to take their complaints to the SCT.

Further amendments to the Super Industry Supervision Act require trustees to provide written reasons for a death benefit decision to a member’s beneficiary or executor.

“Where no decision in relation to a death benefit complaint has been made within 90 days, and an eligible person requests reasons for that non-decision, written reasons are to be given to the person within 28 days after the request is made,” the new Act states.

The Federal Government says the legislation will take effect on July 1. The life insurance industry has until November 2 to send submissions to Treasury on the proposed changes.