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Industry responds to Trowbridge report

More than 130 submissions have been made to the life insurance and advice industry working group’s interim report.

Chairman John Trowbridge says the responses cover four key areas of the report: quality of advice, remuneration and other adviser incentives, insurer practices and offerings, and industry productivity.

“Engagement by the industry and the broader community has been very encouraging,” Mr Trowbridge said.

“Submissions have been received from a wide range of stakeholders including insurance companies, adviser groups, individual advisers, consumer advocates and other interested parties.”

He says differing views are welcome, and the responses also provide information and analysis – both qualitative and quantitative – on advisers and insurers.

“There is a genuine commitment from the industry to solve some complex issues,” Mr Trowbridge said. “The ultimate aims are to ensure quality advice for consumers and improved insurance coverage across the community.”

Submissions have remained confidential, except for some organisations that released their documents for public scrutiny.

The working group’s final report will be published at the end of next month.