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Go direct to Gen X, Deloitte tells life insurers

Life insurers should use direct marketing to attract Generation X consumers, according to a new report by Deloitte.

“Gen X is further ahead than other generations in accessing financial services online and their expectations for conducting insurance transactions through technology continue to rise,” it says.

“The experience of several insurers suggests direct sales can become a highly effective channel for life insurance distribution.”

A recent consumer survey found 22% of respondents bought life insurance online, Deloitte says.

“This number is expected to rise as more insurers push for online sales to cut the cost of middlemen.

“Life insurance is often confusing to consumers, so a resourceful website with easy-to-navigate features and timely assistance at each step of the purchase process would likely appeal to Gen X.”

Gen Xers expect the same level of service from online insurers and advisers as they receive from internet retailers and banks, the report says.

Insurers should consider adding services such as video chats to their websites.