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Gen Y not helping the stats

Asteron Life research has confirmed what everybody knows – young Australians are the accident-prone generation.

Road and transport-related deaths, as well as accidental drowning, are highest among Generation Y.

Generation X are more likely to poison or choke themselves to death, while people over 65 are likely to die from falls or natural disasters.

Natural disaster deaths cover fires, electrocution, venomous insect or animal bites – 45,954 Australians died from these causes during the past decade.

This outstrips the 34,662 who died on our roads and the 11,100 who fell to their death.

Poison and choking killed 7526 people in the decade to 2010 while 4822 drowned.

The worst state for road accidents is Tasmania, while Dubbo is the most dangerous place for road fatalities in NSW. Dubbo averages 27 deaths per 100,000 population, with more than half the victims males aged 15-25.

SA is the most dangerous place for poisoning and choking, which is also particularly prevalent around Kalgoorlie, WA.

NSW is the most dangerous place for natural disaster deaths, with 24% of people who died this way aged under 24. Tasmania is the safest state for avoiding deaths from natural disasters.

WA tops the list for drownings, while people are twice as likely to die from a fall in Victoria.