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FSC relaunches LifeWise campaign

The Financial Services Council has relaunched its LifeWise campaign to encourage more people to take out life insurance cover.

Its website has been revamped with new features including an insurance calculator, LifeWise Consumer Adviser Jennifer Black told

“I am putting together a strategy plan for the campaign that includes social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Mamamia,” she said.

“It is a work in progress at the moment.”  

Ms Black says the main social media platforms for the campaign will be Facebook and Twitter.

Another part of the relaunch has been attending parenting events to talk mainly to women about underinsurance.

The first event was the Melbourne Baby and Toddler show, which Ms Black says was positive with more than 800 giveaways to families.

“People were interested about life insurance at the show and after a little hesitation became engaged,” she says.

“We will be attending another five or six baby shows this year throughout the country.”

Ms Black says people are becoming reluctant to talk about life insurance because they are “bombarded” with product promotions.

“People are telling us this is very confronting,” she says. “We are having to explain that LifeWise is only here to give information on how much cover they should have and not sell products.”

Ms Black says the aim is to make people more interested in the concept of life insurance and whether to take out cover.

“At the baby show, the mums I spoke to were concerned about the level of cover they had,” she said. “But they just didn’t know if they had any cover and many didn’t realise their super fund provided life insurance.”

The results of the work/life balance research will be released in the next two weeks.