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FPA urges advisers to fight negative image

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) has called on members to lobby their local MPs and promote the good work advisers do.

CEO Mark Rantall says the association will send a lobbying toolkit to each member.

“Since the last FPA roadshow we have been through a roller-coaster ride of emotions,” he told the latest roadshow in Melbourne last week.

“While I believe we are on the road to respect, there are things we can do together.”

Mr Rantall says advisers should look at the way they deliver client experiences, because a favourable result will generate more goodwill for their practices and the profession.

“Nothing is more powerful than word of mouth,” he said. “I think that can counter the negativity being used against our profession.

“We can allow the public to form their own judgement on the role we play.”

Mr Rantall says advisers have a powerful voice, as demonstrated by the lobbying around the Future of Financial Advice changes.

“Talk about the parliamentary joint committee recommendations on advisers standards with your MP,” he told members.

“We will be sending you a toolkit to take to your MP and tell them about your credentials.

“Tell them you are a certified financial planner and how you obtained that qualification.”

Mr Rantall says the FPA wants certified financial planners to display the slogan “Sign of Good Advice” at their practices and on paperwork.

“It would be more powerful if every adviser used it,” he said.