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FPA takes stock of member views

94% of Financial Planning Association (FPA) members say that increasing the awareness and promoting the value of financial planning to the general public is relevant or very relevant.

In a survey of members, 93% said strong relationships with the Government, regulators and stakeholders are relevant or very relevant, and 85% said the FPA’s strategic priorities are relevant or very relevant.

Members rated all FPA activities as important, but when asked what they valued most, 15% chose a national/recognised body representing professional members, while 13% went for brand name, and the FPA’s ability to lobby appealed to 12%.

The FPA’s “value of advice” campaign achieved 85% awareness among members, but 30% said the “Dazza” advertising isn’t a positive reflection of financial planners.

As for the others, 43% didn’t know whether it is having a positive effect on the way consumers feel about advice from professional planners, while 27% said it is.