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FPA slams dissident financial planner…

The FPA has written to members condemning the financial planner behind a recent advertising campaign that accuses the association of failing to protect clients.

The letter says Gavin Murphy, the director of independent financial services group Bannister Mansfield Financial Services, has said the FPA’s injunction application is an attempt to bully his business into silence.

“In our opinion Mr Murphy is using this action as an opportunity to promote his own business interests, but at the expense of the good name of the FPA and our CEO,” the FPA told members.

It says Mr Murphy has agitated FPA members, staff and CEO Jo-Anne Bloch for nearly a year and has displayed malice for the FPA. The association says a conciliatory approach will not work.
“In the past, in our opinion, Mr Murphy has been unwilling to back down when he has clearly overstepped the mark regarding proper professional conduct.”