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FPA seeks female mentoring program applications

The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) has launched a mentoring program to support women and is calling for applications from members to become both mentors and mentees next year.

The program begins in February and over the course of six months, mentors will be given training and matched with a mentee to work with on a monthly basis.

Mentors can be male or female members of the FPA with at least three years of experience in client service or associate adviser roles, paraplanning, business development, compliance, practice management and financial planning or advice roles.

Women account for around a fifth of financial planners and CEO Dante De Gori says the FPA is thrilled to launch the program to support women in financial planning to further their careers.

“The demand for female financial planners is there, so encouraging more women to enter and remain in the profession will be vital to serving the needs of the growing number of Australians seeking advice,” Mr De Gori said.

“For mentees, it's an opportunity to receive guidance and support, networking opportunities and a window to professional growth and career planning. Mentors stay abreast of emerging issues and develop their leadership and communication skills through the same process.”

The initiative was launched with the support of the government’s Women’s Leadership and Development Program and a $1.5 million grant.

The FPA has more than 12,000 members. Applications are open until mid-January and can be made here.