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FPA roadshows draw larger audience

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) says 3200 members attended its recent national roadshow, up 22% on last year’s tour.

Meetings at 33 locations covered legislative reform and new advice strategies.

“The roadshows reinforced that regulatory change is at the forefront of mind for financial advisers,” CEO Dante De Gori said.

“We know our community is seeking clarity about the new legislative framework, and we are committed to helping financial advisers better understand what these changes mean.”

Issues up for discussion included the Life Insurance Framework, education and professional standards reforms, Future of Financial Advice legislation and the Tax Agent Services Act.

Live polling software enabled audiences to share their views on key issues.

“While uncertainty still remains on the detail of the education pathways for existing financial advisers, our polling showed the majority – about 93% of advisers nationwide – are satisfied with the revised timeframes for new education and professional standards,” Mr De Gori said.

The roadshows raised $17,000 for the FPA’s Future2 charitable foundation, allowing it to issue at least one more grant to a non-profit organisation.