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FPA reveals first Gwen Fletcher award winner

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) has named Erin Shields of Dixon Advisory as the inaugural Gwen Fletcher Memorial Award winner.

Ms Shields was the best-performing student on last semester’s Certified Financial Planner (CFP) program.

The award honours the late Ms Fletcher’s commitment to improving education among financial advisers and bringing the CFP program to Australia.

Ms Shields says the program differentiates advisers from others in the field.

“It not only illustrates that you have the necessary practical experience and technical expertise, but it also highlights that you have a moral backbone and commitment to professionalism.

“It is one thing to practise all those things in your day-to-day working life, but to be formally recognised for it is extremely motivating.”

FPA CEO Mark Rantall hopes Ms Shields sets an example for other financial planners.

“Now, more than ever, it is important that we continue to forge ahead along the path to professionalism,” he said.

The next award winner will be announced on November 14. The prize is worth $1000, funded by the FPA.