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FPA revamps membership

A newly approved membership and board structure will strengthen the focus on professionalism in the Financial Planning Association (FPA).

Chairman Julie Berry says members have approved a new three-tiered structure for membership to complement a change in the board's structure.

FPA members will now be classified as principals, practitioners or "general", with principals sub-divided into small (less than 20 representatives) and large (more than 20 representatives) bodies.

Practitioner members will be further classified as either a Certified Financial Planner or Associate Financial Planner.

Current categories such as Honorary, Life and Retired members will become a status not a membership category, as will the designation of "Senior".

From July 1, the board will also adopt a new structure of nine directors - a reduction of three from the previous board. It will be made up of three elected practitioner member directors, two elected Principal member directors, up to three additional directors appointed by the board, and the CEO.