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FPA continues fight for enshrinement

A long-running campaign to enshrine the term “financial planner” in corporations law will continue under the Coalition Government.

“We know how important this is to members,” Financial Planning Association CEO Mark Rantall says in the group’s annual report.

“The FPA has been advocating for enshrinement for more than a decade and we will continue to lobby with the new Government for as long as it takes.”

Enshrinement legislation passed the lower house in May under the Labor government, but it was never tabled in the Senate amid political upheaval before the September election.

The proposed bill would ensure only people licensed and authorised to provide personal financial advice could call themselves financial planners or financial advisers.

Mr Rantall says the association also aims to raise consumer trust through promotion of the certified financial planner classification.

“Research recently conducted by the [association] showed 66% of consumers don’t know who they can turn to for trusted advice,” he said.

“Of those consumers, 94% said they would rather turn to a certified financial planner.”