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FOS offers ‘eLearning’ courses

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has introduced a series of free “eLearning” tools to promote members’ understanding of its dispute resolution processes.

New credit legislation introduced at the beginning of July has resulted in a significant increase in the number of financial planning agencies and credit representatives joining the service.

Investments, Life Insurance and Superannuation Ombudsman Alison Maynard says the eLearning innovation will provide educational support for new members handling consumer complaints for the first time.

“FOS processes are designed for efficient and effective dispute resolution using a fair and independent approach,” she said. “In order to promote a clear understanding of these processes, FOS has developed three new online learning tools which showcase some of the key aspects of the terms of reference and operational guidelines as they apply to dispute resolution.”

The courses provide overviews of FOS, registration and acceptance and case management and outcomes.

Users can work through all of the sessions in order or access them periodically. There is no limit on how many times the courses can be accessed.

FOS has also been increasing its financial planning expertise and now has seven financial planning industry members on its investments, life insurance and superannuation panel.