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FOFA: Asteron helps advisers with their lobbying

Asteron has put together a pack for financial advisers to help them lobby MPs against some of the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms.

The pack includes an introductory letter to the MP together with a discussion paper on the impact of underinsurance in Australia and how FOFA will make this worse.

Asteron EM National Sales Mark Vilo told the pack was a practical guide to help the adviser with their lobbying.

“We sat down and said the Association of Financial Advisers is doing a great job, but how could we help the individual adviser,” he said.

“The pack will help the adviser approach their local MP and it gives them something to leave explaining the industry’s position on FOFA.”

Mr Vilo says there has been some apathy among advisers about FOFA and that it wouldn’t have an impact on their businesses.

“We feel passionate about this industry and we are telling advisers FOFA will happen if we don’t do something about it,” he said.

“We are now using the same pack to talk to out local MPs.”

Mr Vilo says Asteron is not against moves to improve the quality of advice being given, but it opposed to some of the practical issues of the FOFA proposals.

The pack was part of a strategy of positioning Asteron as a leader in the independent financial adviser market.

“We are always looking at ways on how we can help advisers and add value to their practices,” he said.