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FICS wants to be an ombudsman

The Financial Industry Complaints Service (FICS) is contemplating a name change as part of a push to highlight its independence, and spokesman Troy Hunter says the organisation is in the early stages of industry consultation.

He says FICS is looking to use the term “ombudsman” in its title, so it will be recognised alongside similar bodies like the Insurance Ombudsman Service and the Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman.

The dispute resolution group, which has been embroiled in jurisdictional battles with financial planners over the past couple of years, is concerned members of the public could be under the impression that FICS is an industry association.

“We are a completely independent organisation,” Mr Hunter said. “But with the word ‘industry’ in our name perhaps we don’t appear so.”

The name change move is likely to proceed without much difficulty. The Insurance Ombudsman changed its name a couple of years ago without a hitch.