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Employers ‘in the dark’ on rehab programs: AIA

More than half of super and life industry professionals believe employers are unaware of their insurers’ rehabilitation programs, an AIA Australia survey shows.

About 72% of respondents knew their insurer had a rehabilitation program, while 18% thought the cost of implementing the schemes was too high.

AIA Australia GM Life Insurance Damien Mu says rehabilitation and return-to-work programs are crucial for group insurers, employers and employees.

“When done correctly, getting a claimant back to work is good medicine and a win for everyone involved. Evidence suggests the key to successful rehabilitation and returning members to work is early intervention.”

AIA research shows that 20 days after an employee stops work, their chance of returning is 70%. After 45 days off work, the chance of returning is 50%.

The survey of industry professionals suggests Australia’s “greying” population and a lack of awareness on the importance of insurance are the two greatest challenges facing life insurers.