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Dealer group creates own medical testing service

Dealer group Synchron has created a joint venture with services group Health Predictions to provide direct medical services for its advisers.

The service will provide mobile medical and pathology service for advisers rather than waiting for the underwriter to organise the reports.

Synchron Director Don Trapnell says usually the adviser has to wait for the underwriter to arrange the test and insurers don’t always pass on the results.

“As a licensee, we believe our advisers should have greater control over the use of paramedic services and have entered into the joint venture,” he said.

“Synchron Medical’s point of difference is its online capacity allowing the adviser to request, track and monitor the status of the medical tests and information.

“The intention is not to cut the underwriter out of the loop, but to fit into an already streamlined process.”

Mr Trapnell says the service has been accepted by all life insurance companies and the dealer group is working with them to enable advisers to arrange past medical attendance reports.

“This is one of the major time lags in getting insurance applications through to completion,” he said.

“We are also in discussions with several underwriters to have Synchron Medical made a preferred service so that when a case is submitted by one of our advisers, the paramedic service used will be ours.”

Mr Trapnel says the joint venture will be a point of difference for the dealer group and already 90 of its advisers have registered to use it.