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Critical illness remains underinsured

Fewer Australians have disability and critical illness protection than hold life cover, according to research by TAL.

In the 35-49 age group only 16% of respondents say they have disability and trauma insurance, while 35% have life cover, the study shows.

In the 25-34 category 10% have disability cover and 14% trauma; 34% have life cover.

Among those aged 18-24 only 5% hold disability protection and 9% trauma, while 18% have life cover.

However, the figures should be higher, particularly among Baby Boomers who often do not know they have insurance, according to TAL MD Jim Minto.

“Most people with super will have some level of cover automatically included in their fund,” he said.

“It’s really important that people check with their super funds to see if they have some form of life insurance through their fund membership.”

Some cover will probably be in place even if a member has not contributed to a fund for a while, Mr Minto says.

“The next question people really need to ask themselves is whether the life insurance they have is enough in the event they could no longer work.

“Research shows people who rely on default levels of cover automatically offered through their super fund are unlikely to have sufficient cover should the worst happen.”