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Claims support 'key' part of adviser offering, report finds

About 77% of advisers agree helping their clients through claims is a key part of their offering and 78% believe they can provide a lot of value at claim time, according to new research from life insurer TAL.

The TAL-commissioned report, The Value of Financial Advisers at Claim Time, says claimants who have an adviser are more likely to indicate that the claims experience has exceeded their expectations, due to the valuable support they receive from their adviser during the process.

Supporting clients through their claim is also a valuable way that advisers can reduce their client’s stress, helping them to realise both their financial and physical aspirations.

“Resolving claims is the validation of a promise made between life insurers and their customers,” TAL Chief Claims Officer Jenny Oliver said.

She says TAL places a great deal of importance on ensuring its adviser partners who offer claims support as part of their advice service are well equipped and feel empowered to provide guidance to clients.

As the research findings show, the opportunity still exists for life insurers to work together with advisers to further strengthen their support for clients during claims time.

About 67% would like to be more confident in advising their clients when making life insurance claims, highlighting the importance of education and support for advisers.

Providing emotional support can be challenging for advisers too, with close to half saying they don’t always know what to say when dealing with bereaved clients and 42% concerned they might upset clients who are making life insurance claims.

Around 70% of advisers know where to find information on the claims process but 68% say receiving training on how to support clients going through an emotional time would help them provide the best possible service.

“There is an opportunity for life insurers to do more when it comes to providing training and real time adviser support,” the report says.

“Empowering advisers with guidance on effective ways to manage the emotional strains of a claim can help to equip them in providing meaningful support to clients through the claims process, actively enhancing trust in the adviser-client relationship.”

The TAL report is based on surveys conducted in December last year with a nationally representative sample of 125 financial adviser respondents.

Click here for the report.