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BT runs the numbers on rehab scheme

BT says 60 of 300 monitored customers have recorded 84% improvements on its “health outcome measure” tool.

The life insurer has been tracking the group since its rehabilitation program was introduced a year ago.

National Claims Manager Life Insurance Paula Bourke says three-quarters have successfully returned to work.

“The first year’s results are reflecting such a great improvement to the health outcomes of customers,” she said.

“The health outcome measure is a tangible way to gauge the difference BT is making to customers’ lives.”

Claims managers use the health outcome measure to find the best way to help customers recover. It is based on a number of factors including cognition, self-care, participation, mobility and capacity to undertake everyday activities.

Scores are generated at three points: pre-disability health; at the time of claim; and when referral to health support ends.

The end score is compared with the pre-disability score to determine recovery.

“After a period of disability, customers face major challenges and each case is unique,” Ms Bourke said. “The health outcome measure helps us understand how to approach different sets of circumstances.”

About 15% of customers have achieved an end score above 100%.

“Typically these customers had been struggling with their condition for some time before they ceased work and lodged an insurance claim with BT,” Ms Bourke said.

“Through BT’s health support programs, these customers learned relevant life skills, so they could handle their disability better and improve their day-to-day lives.”