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Bombora looks to grow life adviser numbers

Four years after starting in the local marketplace, dealer group Bombora now has 35 life advisers, with more wanting to join the Melbourne-based group.

Most are based in the eastern states, and MD Wayne Handley says many are in growth mode and new advisers are continuing to be attracted to the brand.

“They are actively seeking to increase their adviser and support staff strength in response to escalating opportunities in their respective markets,” he said.

“The growth of the Bombora business is not only ahead of plan but the results are more satisfying given the headwinds faced by the life advice sector.”

He says growth for growth’s sake “has never been the objective for Bombora.

“The adoption of a best practice life specialisation model with a ‘quality over quantity’ focus has resulted in industry-leading productivity outcomes for the group’s advisers.”

Mr Handley believes the dealer group will continue to attract new advisers as the demand for specialist life services grows and a “collaborative collegiate corporate model dedicated to servicing the needs of life advice businesses and their clients” attracts advisers.