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Australians worry about saving for a rainy day

Having enough money for a rainy day is the biggest financial worry for Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth residents, according to Macquarie Adviser Services research.

But Brisbane residents say they are more worried about having enough money in retirement.

Having enough money to pay the household bills is another worry in Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth, Head of Research Gary Lembit told financial planners at a Macquarie Life breakfast seminar last week.

Because of the global financial crisis, residents of all five cities say they are more careful with spending and that their super lost a lot of value.

Macquarie says Sydney and Melbourne residents have put off travel plans, Perth residents have delayed some big life decisions, Adelaide residents have reassessed what is important in life and Brisbane residents’ other investments have lost a lot of value.

The survey of 1600 Australians about their big life decisions also finds different attitudes to life across capital cities.

Melbourne and Sydney residents say they are busy and challenged. Brisbane and Perth residents say they are happily enjoying life – comfortable but also bored.

In Adelaide, residents are happily enjoying life, busy and challenged, Macquarie says.

Across Australia, those thinking about buying life insurance say they are busy and challenged but also find life stressful and difficult.