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Australia among Asian powerhouses for MetLife

MetLife’s Asian operations, including Australia, recorded premiums of $US7.8 billion ($10 billion) last year, up from $US7.5 billion ($9.6 billion) in 2013.

Australia contributed to premium growth, with Japan and South Korea also strong markets, the life insurer says.

Total operating revenue for Asia grew to $US12.5 billion ($16.1 billion) last year from $US12.2 billion ($15.7 billion) in 2013.

Claims were static at $US5.7 billion ($7.3 billion).

Investment income grew to $US2.9 billion ($3.7 billion) from $US2.8 billion ($3.6 billion).

Operating earnings for the region were up 3% to $US335 million ($432 million), driven by growth in Japan and South Korea and a one-time benefit from an actuarial update.