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Aussies fail the financial health test

Prudent risk control isn’t a strong suit among everyday Australians, a report by the Commonwealth Bank reveals.

The bank surveyed more than 1500 Australian consumers at the end of the financial year in an attempt to ascertain their level of thrift and fiscal aptitude.

The survey found almost a third of respondents struggle to save at the end of the month, and a third would have only enough cash to last a month if they lost their current income.

Some 46% of the population rely on family and friends for financial advice and 36% admit to having no financial plan for the future. Just 51% have money set aside for emergencies such as major car or home repairs.

There were some positive signs, however. Just over half of those polled were determined to save more in the current economic climate, while 45% have a budget and 25% regularly consult a financial planner.