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AFA goes for reality TV approach

The Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) will use a reality TV campaign to grow the market for advice.

The programs will feature real case studies with an AFA adviser showing how they are dealing with problems and what advice they will deliver.

A pilot program called “Your best interests” has been produced featuring a couple suffering from debt problems.

The adviser makes recommendations, including taking out life insurance, to help the family back on track.

AFA CEO Richard Klipin told advisers at the association’s annual conference on the Gold Coast last week that talks are under way with Channel 7 about running a series based on the pilot.

“Our campaign is not about going on prime time TV during the footy finals,” he said, indirectly referring to the current campaign being run by the rival Financial Planning Association.

“It is going to be savvy and relevant to real people out there.”

The pilot uses TV presenter Naomi Robson to explain how advice can help and counter negative perceptions.

“A lot of people view financial advice with scepticism,” she told the conference. “People don’t understand the service being provided, and the pilot program is designed to show how the adviser is the hero.”

The AFA is calling for financial support to run the campaign, but also wants more advisers and their clients to take part.

“There are opportunities for licensees to provide experts and advisers to take part in the programs,” Mr Klipin said.