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AFA Foundation hails $220,000 year of fundraising

The Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) Foundation has raised more than $220,000 in the past 12 months.

Foundation national chairman Olivia Sarah-Le Lacheur says members should be proud of the difference they make for people in need.

“The AFA community is to be congratulated on helping so many Australian charities,” she said.

“Many Australians and their families have benefitted and will continue to benefit from their remarkable kindness.”

This financial year, AFA member donations have helped Ronald McDonald House Charities; Children First Foundation; Young Care; Team Kids Women and Children’s Hospital Foundation; Cancer Council; Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund; Bravehearts; Garvan Medical Research Foundation and Foundation for Youth.

“It’s refreshing to see that despite the business challenges they face, advisers are still prepared to support such worthy causes,” AFA CEO Brad Fox said.