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AFA conference puts consumers centre stage

The Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) will focus on consumers at this year’s national conference in October.

The event will help advisers deal with increasingly knowledgeable clients, according to Conference Committee Chairman Steve Crawford.

“This year we are framing the conference from a fresh perspective,” he said.

“In the past, conference stream sessions have been designed around providing education to advisers based upon particular types of advice or products.

“This year we are focusing conference streams on the types of consumers and their specific needs, and then providing education to advisers that will help them meet those needs.”

The program will feature four client streams: generations X and Y, pre-retirees, retirees and small business owners.

“Our speakers this year will tailor their presentations to address how advisers can service the unique sets of goals, objectives and challenges of each stream,” Mr Crawford said. “It is primarily about placing the client at the centre of the discussion.”

Each stream will feature sessions on traditional topics such as insurance strategy, but they will be tailored to each demographic.

The conference is at the Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast from October 12-15.