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AFA campaign to lift advisers’ image

The Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) is planning a multi-media campaign to counter negative public perceptions of financial advisers.

The “Make a Plan” campaign will include print, radio and TV advertising as well as a dedicated website for consumers.

AFA CEO Richard Klipin says the association’s research shows while there are people who value their relationship with an adviser, many others have a poor perception of advisers.

“During the past few years the advice industry has experienced a stream of media reporting on the need for financial reform and a concentrated industry funds advertising campaign that discredits advisers,” he said at the AFA’s annual conference on the Gold Coast.

“This has fuelled an unfair perception that financial advisers are opaque and self-motivated and worse, untrustworthy.”

Mr Kilpin has called on AFA members to fund and provide help to run the campaign.

“Now is the time for advisers to show their commitment to their own profession and put their money where their mouths are,” he said.

“In return we believe they will reap the benefits as the campaign will help them win back the respect of consumers.

“At a practice level, they will secure new leads and re-kindle greater respect from any disaffected current clients.”