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AFA appoints new GenXt chairman

The new chairman of the Association of Financial Advisers’ GenXt committee is Sarah Riegelhuth of Wealth Enhancers.

She was a finalist in the AFA Rising Star of the Year awards in 2008 and 2009.

The GenXt program is designed to pass on experience, knowledge and skills from the older generation of financial advisers to the next generation.

Ms Riegelhuth says the implementation of various Federal Government reforms means the next year will be tough.

“It’s no secret that, with Future of Financial Advice reforms about to move from theory into practice, we have some challenging times ahead,” she said.

“I look forward to helping our younger advisers navigate those changes.”

Other members of the new GenXt committee are Michael Nowak; Chris Browne; David Pettit; Chris Jones; Jo Brassett (representing NSW); Steve Crawford (Victoria); Fraser Jack (Queensland); Rob Schiliro (Tasmania); David Pettit (WA); and Dave Slovinec (SA).