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Advisers upbeat and willing to adapt, survey shows

A poll conducted during the Association of Financial Advisers national roadshow suggests members are overwhelmingly positive about their future.

Respondents also want to embrace peer-learning, to help fellow practitioners adapt and succeed.

On the issue of major changes to the advice landscape, 59% of respondents believe political and legislative developments have had the greatest impact on the way they deliver advice, followed by technological change (22%) and social shifts (9%).

The research draws on responses from 1600 advisers who attended roadshow events last month.

The poll asked if advisers would let go of beliefs, biases or habits to move forward. An overwhelming 84.7% would.

On the issue of investment, advisers were asked how they would spend $50,000 if success were assured. Some 31.6% would spend it on technology to improve client experiences, followed by technology to improve efficiency (31.1%) and team development (14.3%).

Association GM Member Services Nick Hakes says feedback from the roadshow has been positive.

“The message from our speakers, and what was evident in our poll, is that advisers need to invest in themselves to adapt, to collaborate with their peers,” he said. “And they need to cultivate a culture where they can gain fresh perspectives and new ideas.”